Title: Concessions
Author: Pretzelduck
Author's e-mail: pretzelduck@yahoo.com
URL: http://www.geocities.com/pretzelduck
Date: Posted to Archer's Enterprise, EntSTSlash and Reed's Archery Range 02/14/2004
Archive: Permission to archive granted to Archer's Enterprise and EntSTCommunity
Fandom: Star Trek: Enterprise
Category: Slash
Rating: G
Status: Complete
Pairing: Archer/Reed
Summary: A double drabble of Valentine's Day prayers and promises.
Warnings: None
Series: n/a
Sequel to: n/a
Beta: n/a
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: I don't own the Star Trek franchise. Paramount does. I also don't make any money from writing this. The only thing I make money on is my ability to roll pretzels and work a cash register.
I promised myself last year that on the next Valentine's Day, I would do something about my growing attraction to my captain.
Call him Jon or take his hand in mine.
Let my heart guide my actions. Tell him that the interest I swear I saw in his eyes was mutual.
So much has happened since that promise. I can't see him in his eyes. There is a darkness I fear there now.
I let this day pass me by. Into the night, I whisper my only concession.
A prayer that I can one day tell him he's my valentine.
Malcolm always comes when the nightmares are at their worst. I stand alone, surrounded by my demons. He says my name and takes my hand. I pull him into my embrace and the nightmare fades.
I'm awake now. The clock says it's tomorrow. Valentine's Day has passed.
I think I've always wanted to woo him. Romance him.
Make him fall in love with me.
I can't now. To lead others back into the light, I have to stay in the darkness. But my heart still glows. I made a promise to myself.
One day, I'll tell Malcolm he's my valentine.