Title: If
Author: Qzeebrella
E-mail: qzeebrella@yahoo.com
Archive: to EntSTSlash, Reed's Armoury, Reed's Archery Range, Archer's Enterprise
Fandom: Enterprise
Disclaimer: The show and its characters belong to Paramount, the story below is mine, no profit is being made.
Rating: G
Pairing: Archer/Reed
Spoilers: Twilight
Summary: Malcolm thinks of the implications of if.
Oh god, I miss him. I wish I could take care of him, but I am needed here. My tactical ability has been responsible for saving those we could.
It wasn't enough though.
If I had just been a bit better at my job perhaps Earth, Mars, or Alpha Centauri would still be here.
If I had been in the corridor with Jon instead of going to the armoury early that day.
If I had extended the range of the phase canons.
If I could hold out hope that I will wake within Jon's arms again.
Too many ifs.