Archer's Enterprise
September 2003 slash fan fiction
Title: Strategies and Wagers 2 [ 14 kb ]
by Sara
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 09/07/03
Summary: Trip pays up on the bet…but things don't go quite to plan! Do they ever with these two?
Title: Strategies and Wagers 2 [ 14 kb ]
by Sara
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 09/07/03
Summary: Trip pays up on the bet…but things don't go quite to plan! Do they ever with these two?
Title: Touch [ 27 kb ]
by Kipli
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 09/08/03
Summary: A friendly but uneventful shoreleave together takes a sudden turn for Tucker and Reed.
Title: Touch [ 27 kb ]
by Kipli
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 09/08/03
Summary: A friendly but uneventful shoreleave together takes a sudden turn for Tucker and Reed.
Title: Bedfellows [ 2 kb ]
by Helyn Highwater
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: G; Warning: None; Date: 09/11/03
Summary: A conversation in the dark
Title: Bedfellows [ 2 kb ]
by Helyn Highwater
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: G; Warning: None; Date: 09/11/03
Summary: A conversation in the dark
Title: Shades of Night [ 2 kb ]
by Helyn Highwater
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG-13; Warning: None; Date: 09/11/03
Summary: Something bad happens.
Title: Shades of Night [ 2 kb ]
by Helyn Highwater
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG-13; Warning: None; Date: 09/11/03
Summary: Something bad happens.
Title: Refuge [ 2 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG-13; Warning: None; Date: 09/12/03
Summary: The world changes, but love endures and sustains.
Title: Refuge [ 2 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG-13; Warning: None; Date: 09/12/03
Summary: The world changes, but love endures and sustains.
Title: Where No Mind Has Gone Before [ 54 kb ]
by Qlara2002
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 09/15/03
Summary: A member of the crew wants multiple orgasms. Enterprise meets an alien species capable of granting that wish. Zany hijinks ensue.
Title: Where No Mind Has Gone Before [ 54 kb ]
by Qlara2002
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 09/15/03
Summary: A member of the crew wants multiple orgasms. Enterprise meets an alien species capable of granting that wish. Zany hijinks ensue.
Title: Love Me [ 46 kb ]
by Beverly
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 09/16/03
Summary: Love isn't always easy and T'Pol is glad not to be human.
Title: Love Me [ 46 kb ]
by Beverly
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 09/16/03
Summary: Love isn't always easy and T'Pol is glad not to be human.
Title: Words Unspoken [ 36 kb ]
by MizzMarcee
Pairing: Tucker/Rostov, A/Tu-implied; Rating: PG-13; Warning: None; Date: 09/16/03
Summary: Michael Rostov tries to find some quiet time for himself, but discovers much more in the process.
Title: Words Unspoken [ 36 kb ]
by MizzMarcee
Pairing: Tucker/Rostov, A/Tu-implied; Rating: PG-13; Warning: None; Date: 09/16/03
Summary: Michael Rostov tries to find some quiet time for himself, but discovers much more in the process.
Title: Protected [ 2 kb ]
by Beverly
Pairing: T'Pol/Sato; Rating: PG; Warning: None; Date: 09/17/03
Summary: Hoshi gets injured, and guess who's coming for her rescue?
Title: Protected [ 2 kb ]
by Beverly
Pairing: T'Pol/Sato; Rating: PG; Warning: None; Date: 09/17/03
Summary: Hoshi gets injured, and guess who's coming for her rescue?
Title: Concerning Courage [ 11 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 09/17/03
Summary: After Malcolm suffers a serious injury, Jonathan receives a letter from Stuart Reed with a message for Malcolm.
Title: Concerning Courage [ 11 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 09/17/03
Summary: After Malcolm suffers a serious injury, Jonathan receives a letter from Stuart Reed with a message for Malcolm.
Title: Husks [ 11 kb ]
by Juli
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG; Warning: None; Date: 09/18/03
Summary: Malcolm reflects on the changes that have occurred in Jonathan since they've been tracking the Xindi.
Title: Husks [ 11 kb ]
by Juli
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG; Warning: None; Date: 09/18/03
Summary: Malcolm reflects on the changes that have occurred in Jonathan since they've been tracking the Xindi.
Title: Indiscretion [ 2 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 09/25/03
Summary: A whisper can be louder than a scream.
Title: Indiscretion [ 2 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 09/25/03
Summary: A whisper can be louder than a scream.
Title: Interlude [ 3 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 09/25/03
Summary: Trip is worried about what Malcolm's slip of the tongue might mean for their relationship.
Title: Interlude [ 3 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 09/25/03
Summary: Trip is worried about what Malcolm's slip of the tongue might mean for their relationship.
Title: Insomnia [ 7 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Tucker/Reed, Archer; Rating: R; Warning: None; Date: 09/25/03
Summary: Seeing Trip and Malcolm both hurting, Archer tries to help.
Title: Insomnia [ 7 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Tucker/Reed, Archer; Rating: R; Warning: None; Date: 09/25/03
Summary: Seeing Trip and Malcolm both hurting, Archer tries to help.
Title: Introspection [ 7 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Tucker/Reed, Archer/Reed; Rating: R; Warning: None; Date: 09/25/03
Summary: Malcolm needs to find some answers within himself before he talks to Trip.
Title: Introspection [ 7 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Tucker/Reed, Archer/Reed; Rating: R; Warning: None; Date: 09/25/03
Summary: Malcolm needs to find some answers within himself before he talks to Trip.
Title: Intonation [ 10 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Tucker/Reed, Archer/Reed; Rating: R; Warning: None; Date: 09/25/03
Summary: Malcolm and Trip finally talk. But do they listen?
Title: Intonation [ 10 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Tucker/Reed, Archer/Reed; Rating: R; Warning: None; Date: 09/25/03
Summary: Malcolm and Trip finally talk. But do they listen?
Title: Dressed to Kill [ 12 kb ]
by MJ
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: G; Warning: None; Date: 09/25/03
Summary: Officers, dress uniforms, problems on board ship, the usual. Humor.
Title: Dressed to Kill [ 12 kb ]
by MJ
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: G; Warning: None; Date: 09/25/03
Summary: Officers, dress uniforms, problems on board ship, the usual. Humor.
Title: Tempting Travis [ 4 kb ]
by Kipli
Pairing: Reed/Mayweather; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 09/26/03
Summary: Ficlet: Reed is such a tease.
Title: Tempting Travis [ 4 kb ]
by Kipli
Pairing: Reed/Mayweather; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 09/26/03
Summary: Ficlet: Reed is such a tease.
Title: Intact and Breathing [ 6 kb ]
by Pretzelduck
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG; Warning: None; Date: 09/28/03
Summary: Malcolm's journey finally leads him home.
Title: Intact and Breathing [ 6 kb ]
by Pretzelduck
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG; Warning: None; Date: 09/28/03
Summary: Malcolm's journey finally leads him home.
Title: Future Imperfection [ 7 kb ]
by Lady Ithilrien
Pairing: Tucker/Reed, Reed/other; Rating: PG; Warning: AU; Date: 09/29/03
Summary: Can you find the other half of your soul across time and space?
Title: Future Imperfection [ 7 kb ]
by Lady Ithilrien
Pairing: Tucker/Reed, Reed/other; Rating: PG; Warning: AU; Date: 09/29/03
Summary: Can you find the other half of your soul across time and space?
Title: Epilogue [ 8 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG; Warning: None; Date: 09/30/03
Summary: An unexpected awakening and realization
Title: Epilogue [ 8 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG; Warning: None; Date: 09/30/03
Summary: An unexpected awakening and realization
Title: Pancakes [ 8 kb ]
by Pretzelduck
Pairing: Archer/Tucker; Rating: PG; Warning: None; Date: 09/30/03
Summary: Malcolm's peanut butter pancakes cause Trip to think about a love he tries to forget.
Title: Pancakes [ 8 kb ]
by Pretzelduck
Pairing: Archer/Tucker; Rating: PG; Warning: None; Date: 09/30/03
Summary: Malcolm's peanut butter pancakes cause Trip to think about a love he tries to forget.
Star Trek and Enterprise are copyrighted by Paramount. We don't own 'em—we just play with them. No money was made.
Archer's Enterprise is maintained by the Webmistress.