Archer's Enterprise
May 2003 slash fan fiction
Title: Food For Thought [ 4 kb ]
by MJ
Pairing: Reed/other; Rating: PG; Warning: None; Date: 05/01/03
Summary: Musings about a relationship.
Title: Food For Thought [ 4 kb ]
by MJ
Pairing: Reed/other; Rating: PG; Warning: None; Date: 05/01/03
Summary: Musings about a relationship.
Title: Stewing [ 48 kb ]
by TheGrrrl
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 05/04/03
Summary: Malcolm and Trip return to Enterprise and deal with the consequences of their actions.
Title: Stewing [ 48 kb ]
by TheGrrrl
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 05/04/03
Summary: Malcolm and Trip return to Enterprise and deal with the consequences of their actions.
Title: Making Repairs [ 12 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG; Warning: None; Date: 05/04/03
Summary: In the aftermath of "Cogenitor," Trip, Archer, and Reed struggle with their personal and professional relationships.
Title: Making Repairs [ 12 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG; Warning: None; Date: 05/04/03
Summary: In the aftermath of "Cogenitor," Trip, Archer, and Reed struggle with their personal and professional relationships.
Title: Turmoil of Love [ 76 kb ]
by Snorkler318
Pairing: Archer/Tucker, Tucker/Reed, Reed/?; Rating: R; Warning: None; Date: 05/06/03
Summary: An alien claims a mate, but what if he's already loved?
Title: Turmoil of Love [ 76 kb ]
by Snorkler318
Pairing: Archer/Tucker, Tucker/Reed, Reed/?; Rating: R; Warning: None; Date: 05/06/03
Summary: An alien claims a mate, but what if he's already loved?
Title: Sea Stars [ 1 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: R; Warning: None; Date: 05/10/03
Summary: Malcolm's musings on his ongoing relationship with Jon.
Title: Sea Stars [ 1 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: R; Warning: None; Date: 05/10/03
Summary: Malcolm's musings on his ongoing relationship with Jon.
Title: Compensation [ 36 kb ]
by Kylie Lee and TheGrrrl
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 05/11/03
Summary: During "Future Tense," Tucker and Reed have sex. Repeatedly.
Title: Compensation [ 36 kb ]
by Kylie Lee and TheGrrrl
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 05/11/03
Summary: During "Future Tense," Tucker and Reed have sex. Repeatedly.
Title: Captured [ 20 kb ]
by TheGrrrl
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 05/11/03
Summary: Trip is captured. And so is Malcolm.
Title: Captured [ 20 kb ]
by TheGrrrl
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 05/11/03
Summary: Trip is captured. And so is Malcolm.
Title: To Sleep, Perchance [ 12 kb ]
by Helyn Highwater
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 05/17/03
Summary: The title sums it up pretty well, actually.
Title: To Sleep, Perchance [ 12 kb ]
by Helyn Highwater
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 05/17/03
Summary: The title sums it up pretty well, actually.
Title: Strategies and Wagers [ 4 kb ]
by Sara
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: PG; Warning: None; Date: 05/21/03
Summary: Malcolm makes a bet with Trip.
Title: Strategies and Wagers [ 4 kb ]
by Sara
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: PG; Warning: None; Date: 05/21/03
Summary: Malcolm makes a bet with Trip.
Title: Here [ 4 kb ]
by Kipli
Pairing: Reed/Mayweather; Rating: PG; Warning: None; Date: 05/22/03
Summary: After "Horizon," Mayweather questions his life on Enterprise.
Title: Here [ 4 kb ]
by Kipli
Pairing: Reed/Mayweather; Rating: PG; Warning: None; Date: 05/22/03
Summary: After "Horizon," Mayweather questions his life on Enterprise.
Title: Muse [ 4 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: R; Warning: None; Date: 05/24/03
Summary: Jon's thoughts during a slow shift on the bridge.
Title: Muse [ 4 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: R; Warning: None; Date: 05/24/03
Summary: Jon's thoughts during a slow shift on the bridge.
Star Trek and Enterprise are copyrighted by Paramount. We don't own 'em—we just play with them. No money was made.
Archer's Enterprise is maintained by the Webmistress.